6 Benefits of Cloud ERP Software

Until recently, the cloud has only been available to larger tech companies that had the money to invest in it. Even today, the debate about moving to the cloud is ongoing. It can be hard to trust your data in the hands of the cloud, but there are some incredible payoffs that make moving to the cloud in 2023 seriously worth it. Picking the right ERP system can be difficult, but a cloud-based ERP system has its own list of benefits.

As your fiscal year has likely reset, it’s important to start rethinking the ways that businesses run and manage their data. Everyone is talking about moving to the cloud, and it is becoming obvious why. The past year has seen a huge increase in the necessity of secure storage for a large amount of data. For the past several year, companies and vendors tried to justify the use of their clunky or dated on-premises systems, but with the decentralization of workforces, and increase in working remotely, cracks in dates practices are starting to show. As you research ways to keep up with trends and remain competitive, we will discuss six solid reasons to consider moving to the cloud in 2023 and how this is going to help your business. 

1) Moving to the cloud has never been easier

Getting an entire business moved onto the cloud is easier than ever. Our reasons to consider moving to the cloud in 20revolve around running a productive and effective business. With implementation timelines and costs at historical lows, a move has never been more efficient.   Start the conversation right here, right now.

The cloud will make a business:
  • More secure and safe from loss
  • More financially stable
  • More efficient
  • More accessible and mobile
  • More collaborative amongst its employees

2) Cost efficient data storage
Storing data has historically required an internal infrastructure that is composed of a large amount of physical storage, and a fully staffed IT department to watch over it. Through the utilization of the cloud, businesses can cut costs of both personnel and hardware that can add up to a small fortune (far more than the cost of a cloud-based ERP). 

When you start up a business, purchasing the hardware to run your business systems will likely set the business back a tidy sum. Then, considering the maintenance and necessity to replace the hardware as tech moves forward, costs only continue to rise over time.

In comparison, the price of the cloud is relatively low, and drastically reduces the amount your business needs to pay in replacement hardware, labor, facility costs, power, heating or cooling, and so much more. Using the cloud will allow you to push these costs and issues out of mind. Your time and money will in turn be able to go straight back into the business. 

3) Easier collaboration
The days of editing a document, saving it to a flash drive, and sending it down the hall to a coworker are over. Even emailing documents back and forth to collaborate on the same page is becoming outdated and the only way to keep up with the times is with the cloud. 

Now, various employees that are in various countries around the world can work on the exact same document at the same time with changes being updated in real time. Simultaneous syncing allows for employees to efficiently collaborate with no middle ground for documents to get lost in.

4) Enhanced security
The cloud offers a high level of security that does not require any third-party add-ons like many software you have used before likely did. Small businesses may struggle to afford hiring a large and talented IT team, but the cloud is put together by experts who invested a large amount of time, effort, and money into making your data secure.

Through the cloud configuration, you can get the most secure electronic security that is available. 

5) Connectivity and Accessibility
No matter where you go in the world, the cloud is an accessible option that allows you to move and travel freely, miles away from the hardware that stores your information. The world is getting smaller as technology and businesses continue to grow. To stay with the times, your business needs to be portable. 

Whether you have a phone, a laptop, desktop, tablet, or basically anything with a screen, you will have quick and assured access to the cloud. Road shows and conferences are even more draining when lugging around briefcases with documents and storage drives. With the cloud, connecting and accessing the presentation you are about to give becomes as simple to use as a shortcut on your desktop or mobile device.

6) Reduce risk of data loss
Using the cloud to run your ERP and back up all your data will ensure that it is even more secure than you can make it in house. Offsite cloud storage for systems and data will greatly reduce the risk of potential for hackers or viruses to get in and corrupt all your data. Not to mention the risk of data loss/corruption you face when stored locally, the odds of your building experiencing a flood, fire, or earthquake in the next five years is far from zero.

Keeping information in house requires investment in hardware and IT personnel to maintain all the servers. If your building loses power or air conditioning, you could lose a massive amount of information in the blink of an eye.

As businesses are faced with costs, there may be some corners cut in IT to keep budget. This opens everything up to a higher risk of loss. Your AWS cloud-based systems does not cut corners and has the best tech professionals watching over multiple data centers that back each other up. 

Bonus: Improved Efficiency
In the past, every time a lot of data needed to be moved or an entire network with infrastructure needs to be set up, there is going to be days of work that will need to be invested. Cloud systems roll out with rapid deployment that can be integrated into a company in a fraction of the time.

The time spent trying to plan, purchase, install, and figure out a complex system is going to be put towards the actual business and revenue producing work that a business exists for.

The money saved by implementing a cloud based ERP can be invested back into the company and continue to increase efficiency where the funds may have been lacking before. 

If you’re ready to learn more about cloud systems,  or want to understand if it may be a fit for your business, one of our experts would love to chat!

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