ERP Implementations

Blog tagged as ERP Implementations

Change Management: Managing Change Properly Can Prevent ERP Implementation Failure

The Real Reason People Won’t Change: it’s a psychological term called a “competing commitment,” and until managers understand the ways to overcome it, they can’t do anything about change-resistant employees. -The Harvard Review, by Robert Kegan.,” and until managers understand the ways to overcome i...

ess ron
05 Feb 2024 03:38 PM - Comment(s)
7 Compelling Reasons to Implement ERP Software

What business owner or executive would not want to get more done in less time by automating business processes? The increase in ERP software adoption rate shows that every business wants fast and efficient ways to get things done. 50% of companies are acquiring, upgrading, or planning to update ERP ...

04 Feb 2021 11:37 PM - Comment(s)
Digital Transformation Series: The Power of Personalization in Syteline
This technically focused webinar demonstrates how to easily enhance and extend Infor's Syteline ERP using personalizations.
Dan Telep
03 Dec 2020 08:39 AM - Comment(s)
Why ERP Projects Fail in Canada - and How to Avoid the Same Fate
Find why we believe ERP implementations sometimes fail.
Dan Telep
24 Sep 2018 12:38 PM - Comment(s)
Tariff Workbench for CSI (Syteline) - Webinar Sept 27 10:30am PDT
Businesses in all industries are coming to grips with the new world of international tariffs and trade barriers.
Dan Telep
17 Sep 2018 09:11 AM - Comment(s)