October is Manufacturing month! And Manufacturing Day was in October too. We've taken the liberty to share some resources from a recent Infor post on Manufacturing Month, which was full of resources for those in the manufacturing industry.
Manufacturing Day! Celebrate. Innovate. Empower.
Watch Infor video: We are ManufacturingInfor is a proud supporter of manufacturers - We applaud your hard work, your commitment to growth, and spirit of innovation.
We’ve come a long way since the early days of industrialization.
It’s an honor to work so closely with our 25,000 customers in the manufacturing segment. In recognition of Manufacturing Day, October 6, (#MFGDAY17) we are devoting a month-long tribute to you, the hard-working people who provide the insight, integrity, and ingenuity that is the backbone of this essential industry. Manufacturing Day also offers a chance to shine the spotlight on some of the complex issues and some obstacles that we need to work together to change. For example, manufacturers need right-skilled workers in technology, data science, analytics, and IT networks.Modern plants are clean, bright, high-tech showcases of innovation.
Manufacturers need visionaries who can help lead their plants into the digital era. We want to help manufactures succeed. Manufacturing matters to Infor. Nearly half of Infor’s business comes from the manufacturing segment. Pleasing this audience is a high priority for us. We have thousands of personnel dedicated to developing and maintaining software solutions to help manufacturers improve processes and achieve growth and profitability. We know Manufacturing. It is part of our DNA.