Brett Mewett at APICS Vancouver March 16 2017: Register

08 Feb 2017 04:41 PM - By Dan Telep

 WHEN: March 16, 2017 5:30 PM to 9:00 PM Dinner Meeting with Presentation WHERE: Firefighter's Public House 6515 Bonsor Ave Burnaby, BC, BC V5H 3E8 Now >> Brett Mewett of Essential Software Solutions Learn ways to achieve your company’s lofty ambitions through proper operations management, team and task measurements and rewards. Brett will discuss: How does this expression relate to your organization? Could understanding this expression change the way you and your team responds to challenges? Can this expression improve how you serve your customers and achieve your strategic goals? At what levels in your organization can this expression be used to an advantage? 
Recent attendees in the Fraser Valley said: "Brett's presentation was insightful and entertaining... he frequently asked for input from the audience during his presentation, and engaged us in a natural and conversational style. It's clear that his experience as a teacher has honed his skills as a presenter. He included great anecdotes, and the Q+A was great."

About Brett Mewett

Brett Mewett has been teaching the APICS CPIM Body of Knowledge at BCIT (British Columbia Institute of Technology) since 2003. He has over 25 years practical experience in a variety of industries in a number of capacities, including Inventory Coordinator, Distribution Manager, Procurement & Materials Strategist, Materials Manager and Operations Manager. He has presented a number of times at Professional Development Meetings (PDMs) for both the Vancouver and Fraser Valley chapters of APICS, as well as at CMA PDMs and at Cargo Logistics 2014. As well as teaching APICS program material at BCIT, he has been part of Essential Software Solutions’ ERP implementation team for the last 10 years. Brett was featured in an advertisement presented jointly by BCIT and APICS Vancouver. The ad on page 15 of “Right Course 2015″ is published by “Business in Vancouver”. APICS magazine is the leading publication providing relevant and useful information to supply chain professionals worldwide.  Find out more about the APICS Fraser Valley Chapter


About Essential Software Solutions

Essential Software Solutions are Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software vendors that provide manufacturing software solutions for Industrial Manufacturers, Machine Shops, Fabrication Shops, Job Shops, Furniture Manufacturers, Oil & Gas Equipment Manufacturers, Field Service-based companies and other businesses who are focused on Engineer to Order, Build to Order, Configure to Order, Custom to Order, Assemble to Order and Make to Order manufacturing. You can trust our 40 years of experience to bring growth and scalability to your business through our hands-on consultation, implementation, and Enterprise Resource Planning software support.