Infor Cloudsuite Industrial

Blog tagged as Infor Cloudsuite Industrial

Standout Reasons for Cloud ERP
As companies and people in general are getting much more used to cloud hosting, we notice that our customers (and ourselves!) appreciate some of the many benefits of data in the cloud. Here's just a few of the reasons we appreciate (and recommend) Cloud ERP for our clients these days vs. traditional...
Dan Telep
13 Oct 2017 04:11 PM - Comment(s)
For many years, an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software installation involved a partnership between a company that resells and installs the ERP system (us) with the company that builds the software (our chosen partner, Infor). Now, of course, business software such as ERP systems are moving (...
Dan Telep
13 Oct 2017 04:00 PM - Comment(s)